Discover Michael Edwards’ world of fragrances (2025)

Margaret KhouryGeneral Manager

I have been working alongside Michael Edwards for 30 years. Coming from a background in Social Work, a chance introduction from a mutual friend led to my role with Michael as his vision for Fragrances of the World was in its infancy. Within the business my role is one of overseeing both the day to day efficiency of the team, and ongoing business development. In an increasingly digitally focused world, this takes me to many new and interesting areas of learning, as we look for new ways to help our partners create brilliant digital solutions for their fragrance customers. Travel has always been a personal passion of mine, and as we work to keep up with the many new fragrances launched every year we travel to Europe, Asia and the US frequently, another aspect of my role which is deeply satisfying. Working with a small but passionate and dedicated team of fragrance professionals is a constant source of motivation, as is the opportunity to develop connections with and support the wider world of fragrance creators, marketers and consumers.

Erica MooreFragrance Evaluator

I have been Michael Edwards Fragrance Evaluator for 15 years, following on from training and working under perfumer John Lambeth in the Dragoco and Drom fragrance laboratories in Sydney. Although I came from a background in marketing, I was immediately captivated by the fascinating world of creative perfumery. As Evaluator my role is primarily to evaluate and understand fragrances, in order to classify them for Michael’s classification system. Relationship building with the brand development teams, oil house evaluators and marketers is critical to this role, as is travel around the world where we collect many of the new fragrance launches each year. To me, perfume is where science and creativity collide, and where innovation and fluidity continue to surprise and inspire.

Clayton IlolahiaEvaluation & Communication

In my role of Evaluation and Communication, I assist with fragrance evaluation as well as print and online communications for Fragrances of the World. I joined the team in 2019 with experience writing about fragrances for blogs and magazines around the world. I am also the author of my own fragrance blog, which I began in 2011. I completed training in fragrance by attending three levels of summer schools at the Grasse Institute of Perfumery in addition to my own self-guided learning. Education is my continual passion. Alongside my work in fragrance, I have more than 10 years experience in learning and development and have worked with global brands such as Ralph Lauren, Louis Vuitton, Sydney Opera House and Australian Film Television and Radio School.

Virginia GiacomazziProject Manager

I started working with Fragrances of the World over 25 years ago, primarily in an administrative and design supporting role. 14 years ago, I took on the role as Project Manager, which involves ensuring the currency and accuracy of all new fragrances. With a background in training and sales roles in technology and freight companies, I wanted to explore my enthusiasm and passion for creativity. My role at Fragrances of the World allows me to utilise my skills in this area, as well as my attention for detail and problem solving skills as we maintain the exacting standards expected of our work.

Pankaj PatelTechnology Partner

As founder of Aptus Cloud Technology, a vertical application development/hosting company located in Sydney, I have been partnering with Fragrances of the World since its inception. I have over 33 years of experience in IT, and have worked with various technology from mainframes to windows-based application over the span of my career. Developing solutions to meet the needs of fragrance data consumers is a constantly changing and evolving role, which utilises my forward thinking and problem solving skills in the technical space. In addition to my work with Michael, I’ve been fortunate to work with companies such as Qantas Airways, United Airlines and Chanel.

Dan BowenProduction & Design Partner

With nearly 30 years design experience, I’ve been fortunate enough to work with every conceivable print media and associated process over the years. For the past 17 years I have been in charge of the creative production of the annually produced Fragrances of the World guidebooks, each issue striving to better the previous. My agency now works in all areas of creative design with a variety of businesses, however my involvement with Michael is a key aspect of my creative growth and adaptability. This book has become my baby – it is something that I dread and love producing at the same time! That being said, I am proud to be a part of this incredible reference tool

Phillip HuntTechnology Partner

As CEO of Mobikats, an apps development house, specialising in mobile apps and virtual reality I have been working with Fragrances of the World for 5 years. Prior to that I worked for great companies such as Microsoft and Yahoo, working on the bleeding edge of internet technologies. I’ve continued this journey with Mobikats, creating applications which enable clients to better connect with customers through innovative, simple to use solutions. It’s been a privilege to work with Fragrance of the World over the years. Helping them present their wealth of fragrance information to users through simple to use iPad apps for multiple brands. It’s great to work with such a smart team, exploring new ways to help people better understand the world of perfumes using technology.

John SpenceLegal Partner

A graduate of the University of Sydney, John is a solicitor specialising in intellectual property and commercial law. In that capacity, he has experienced a number of varied roles and functions in the course of his professional life including working for patent attorneys, as a corporate lawyer, as an employed solicitor and as a Hearing Officer with the Trade Marks Office (being part of IP Australia). John has been representing and advising Michael Edwards for over 30 years, and continues to provide legal advice, guidance and support to the Fragrances of the World team.

Discover Michael Edwards’ world of fragrances (2025)
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Author: Trent Wehner

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.